Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hello Family!
It's sunday and I havn't written on here in a long time, so I thought I should! I think I've spoken with some of you about classes at BYU that I should take my first semester, but I would love to here any suggestions from anyone I havn't asked yet. I'm thinking American Heritage, two religion classes an English class and one other one. We are very excited to see all of you in two weeks for General Conference! I think everyone in the family will be here! I'll be lucky because the saturday of conference, I'll get to see Chelsea at work and then the rest of you in Salt Lake! Anyway, mom needs on now to write to Chelsea, but I'll see you all soon!


Rebecca said...

Jared, you're the best!!!

Jacob said...

Wow, the blog lives!
The first semester is fun. I like your idea of two religion classes, I took two every semester. I didn't have to take AH, but it seems like a good one to get out of the way. Or, well, you can take two classes instead of AH. Consider taking Econ 110 and PolySc 110 - after the mission. Both of those classes teach things that you should know no matter what you decide to major in. English is also a good one to do early (I took an intensive writing class instead).... I'll give you a call.