Saturday, September 26, 2009

Proper uses of University funds

Problem: I love watching college football, but can't get a TV signal in our apartment.

Solution: About a year ago Schwab gave our program $1 million for a new technology center. I teach the technology classes and have access to all of our classrooms, labs, computers, etc.... AT&T provides our internet service so we have access to ESPN 360 (kudos to Dave for the ESPN 360 idea). It took me three weeks to put it all together.

Current status: I am watching my choice of 10 live games in high def., surround sound, on a 10 foot screen all while grading last week's homework assignments. All of that technology is finally living up to it's full potential.

Result: Lower productivity on Saturdays, but I am very happy! You are all invited to the party - COHS 122, Lubbock, TX - please bring popcorn or chips.

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