Sunday, September 21, 2008

Is anyone out there?

Well, I guess it has been a while, but I thought I'd write a little something. Things are finally drying out after our big rainstorm last week. Jacob is as busy as ever, but somehow has found time to run and be with me. He is FANTASTIC!!! This week he heads out to Atlanta for a conference. Then in October he is leaving again for another conference in Boston and then Dallas after that. Then comes COMPS!!!! For those of you who don't know what that is, I'll inform you that it is death. I will not see him for a couple of months and when I do, he really won't be there. For a week straight he takes tests. He has 5 professors. Each professor gives him one question--except one of them will give him two. He writes for hours and hours answering these questions. Literally he is going to be writing ALL DAY and probably into the night. Then after a few weeks, he meets with these professors and for a few days he has to defend all of his answers to their questions. The biggest problem I forsee is that one of these professors has yet to pass ANYONE!!! So, we know that he is going to get through this because he is JACOB and he married me--and if you can get through that, you can pretty much get through ANYTHING, but it is the surviving the daily stuff that we are hoping he can pass through peacefully!I am doing well. School is keeping me busy. I really enjoy my class. They are great kids. I have 18 kids in my class. Yesterday I spent a little too much time there, but hopefully that means I won't be spending as much time there throughout the week. I have also been reading the first book in the series The Great and the Terrible. I really enjoyed being able to read something. I am anxious to start reading the next book. So, all in all, things are great.

Congratulations to Jed and Chelsea! We are excited for both of you!

Love to you all!
The Sybrowsky Family


Chelsea said...

I don't really have time to comment, I need to do homework... but ummmm...we are all still alive. I am doing good, but very busy with school. Talk to you later!

Jared said...

I'm sorry I've been a bad blogger! Also the space button on the laptop doesn't really work,so sorry if its written wrong at all! Wow, Good Luck on COMPS, When is that?? I'm so excited to see you guys for the wedding!!!