Friday, June 6, 2008

Oops ...

Well, school is out. I finished cleaning out my room yesterday. I was offered a position next year. They gave me a raise, which was nice. So, yesterday I was out gardening, pulling weeds and watering. We have a REALLY mean bird that swoops down at us like it is going to attack is. So, I stayed out as long as I could before I thought the bird was going to kill me. It had a little baby fall out of its nest yesterday and I was running in the backyard to turn the water off, which I will get to in a second, when I saw the baby and the big mom bird swooped down at me and I could feel and hear the wind from the swoop as it brushed across me about 1-2 inches from my head. I know it is just protecting it's babies, BUT it is still a little frightning!! Anyway! So, another funny thing happened yesterday. After I finished weeding and planting in the garden I decided to put the sprinkler on the grass. I went in to take a shower while I was doing this. Well, as you can probably predict, I forgot about turning off the water and I left to work at school and run some other errands. Well, about 6 hours later, I remembered that I forgot to turn off the water. So, after about 6 1/2 hours, I raced home to turn off the water. Our yard was pretty flooded. The big problem is that there are water restrictions around here and I went WAY over and watered during the time of day when you are not supposed to. So, anyway! Our water bill is definitely NOT going to be a nice sight. Jacob, being very nice, said it was kind of funny. So, hopefully he'll still think its funny when we get the bill. Well, anyway! I better get going.
Have a great day!!


Chelsea said...

Bills are never anything to laugh at... I do not think he will be so nice when it actually comes. Good thing you wont be around him for a while!

Rebecca said...

Sorry about the mean bird. Do you think it knows you're scared of it?